Remote appointments

Remote appointment can be either a telephone or video appointment.

Telephone appointments

Telephone appointments are booked by phone from Orton Customer Service +358 9 4748 2705.

If you have booked a phone appointment, Orton’s expert will call you within a certain period of time. The expert’s number may appear on the phone screen or the call may come from an unknown number. If your number is busy or not answered, the expert will call again.

The price of a telephone appointment depends on the length of the appointment and the price of the expert concerned. A service fee and Kanta-fee will be added to the price. Invoice will be sent by post afterwards. The telephone appointment must be cancelled by 12 the previous day at the latest.

Video appointments

Video appointment gives you voice and video access to an expert. For video appointment, you need an internet connection as well as a computer, tablet or smartphone with a microphone and camera. You don’t need to download any new programs to your device.

How do I make an appointment for a video reception?

The video appointment time can be booked online with bank or mobile ID. Otherwise, you can book an appointment by phone from Customer Service.

How to book a video appointment online?

A video appointment time can be booked from the online booking securely with bank or mobile ID.  You will receive a confirmation of your booking via SMS and your booking can be viewed or changed at any time by logging in to the online booking either via “My account” or “Video appointment ” on the tabs.

What kind of visits does a video appointment fit and doesn’t fit?

Video appointment is suitable for control and follow-up visits and prescription renewals (excluding re-prescriptions of central nervous system medicines) and in some cases for obtaining a referral to examinasions. Discuss with your expert on your first visit whether further visits and other services can be carried out as a video or telephone appointment.

First visits should always be booked for close visits, but on a case-by-case basis, and especially if the patient lives far away, the first visit can also be carried out as a video appointment. Our Customer Service help you assess the appropriate form of reception.

Telephone and video appointments are not suitable for the treatment of acute emergencies such as shortness of breath, chest pain and infections or pain conditions with severe symptoms. In acute situations, contact the public emergency number (112).

What do I need for a video appointment and does my device work?

For video appointment, you need an internet connection and a computer, tablet or phone with a camera and microphone. You don’t need to download any new programs to your device. We recommend that you test your connections in advance on the Ninchat test site Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safar browsers work best. Only safari browser should be used on Apple iPhone and iPads.

Video appointment prices

The prices for video and close receptions are the same. The price information is displayed in the online profile of the expert concerned. A service fee and a Kanta-fee will be added to the price. The video appointment will be invoiced afterwards.

How to cancel a video appointment?

The video appointment must be cancelled no later than the previous day at 12 noon, either via online booking or by phone.

Do all experts have video appointments?

Please note, that this service has just been introduced, which is why only a few of our experts have video appointment times. There will be more times during the autumn.

How to start a video reception event

If you have booked a video reception by phone

  • Please test your video connection in advance on the Ninchat test site:
  • Customer Service sends you a link via secured email, which you can click to open the video appointment
  • You can log in via the link no earlier than 15 minutes before the booked time
  • Have your passport of official identity card ready as you will be asked to prove your identity at the beginning of the session

Please notice about the the secured email:

  • Once the secured email has been opened, it can be read for 14 days.
  • It is advisable to save the link by security post to a place where you can easily find it when the video appointment time comes. Save the link to your electronic calendar or other electronic notebook to make it easy to copy the link to the browser in the browser’s search box.