Orton and HYKSin private hospital united during summer 2020.
Known for its’ high quality and safe Joint and Back Surgery as well as Pain Management and Rehabilitation services, Orton is now Finland’s widest service provider for specialized medical care.
The merger with HYKSin means that Orton can now offer appointment, examination and operation services in cooperation with HUS Helsinki University Hospital. Examples of the new service areas include cancer, neurosurgery, dermatology, urology, ear, nose and throat as well Voice Clinic’s services. The experienced HUS specialists offer their services in HUS hospitals during time, when there is are no public patient services available.
Where do we operate?
Our main campus is Orton hospital in Ruskeasuo, 15 minutes drive from Helsinki center. In addition we offer HUS specialists’ services in several HUS hospitals within the capital region.
How does a patient get treatment?
Anybody can seek treatment or book an appointment at Orton. There is no need for referral although patients can also seek treatment with another doctor’s referral. See contact information.
Our patients benefit from
- our experts’ expertise and experience
- excellent treatment results
- an even wider range of healthcare services
- quick access to treatment
- the smooth flow of care created by seamless multidisciplinary collaboration
- effective therapies based on scientific research
- the latest diagnostic and treatment techniques
- personal service and high customer satisfaction
Our services
We offer high quality and reliable services within specialized medical care.