Markku Patjas

Dr. med.
Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology and Phoniatry

Language skills:

Finnish, English, German


Phoniatric Outpatient Clinic, Pasila, Maistraatinportti 2, Helsinki

Welcome to my appointment

I study and treat a variety of voice, speech, and swallowing problems in adults and children. I see patients at the Voice Clinic in HUS.
The appointment must always be made under the name of the person to whom the visit concerns, so you should not book an appointment for e.g. your child under your own name.

My special expertise

Research and treatment of voice disorders: e.g. removal of vocal cords, voice enhancement procedures, treatment of vocal paralysis, botox injections into the vocal cords

Kela compensation

These services are not reimburstable by Kela.