Kimmo Lönnrot

Specialist in Neurosurgery

Language skills:

Finnish, Swedish, English


Orton, Tenholantie 10, 00280 Helsinki, Finland

Welcome to my appointment

I study and care for both pediatric and adult patients. You can book an appointment via online booking or by phone.

My special expertise

My special expertise is in the study and treatment of neck and lumbar disorders. For my patients, this often appears as pain felt in the back, hips, or neck area, which can radiate from the cervical spine to the hand or from the lumbar spine to the leg.

My typical spinal surgical procedures include surgery for a bulge in the septum or narrowing of the spinal canal, as well as various osteoporosis operations.
At Orton, I also perform more demanding back surgery that requires longer aftercare, which is needed to treat post-accident conditions or posture problems, for example.

Surgical treatment is by no means always the most appropriate form of treatment. The treatments can be divided in stages as follows:

  • rest, medication and rehabilitation
  • various anesthetics
  • nerve structure cleansing surgery (eg interstitial bulge surgery and nerve root canal release surgery)
  • surgery to repair spinal support structures (eg various ossification operations)

I enjoy caring for my back patients at Orton because there are a wide range of professionals specializing in back examination, treatment and rehabilitation under one roof. There is a wide range of treatment and rehabilitation options for those suffering from both chronic and acute pain. My patient can easily find the necessary treatment package in the hands of skilled professionals.


20 min 94€
30 min 180€
45 min 205€
60 min 267€

Kela compensation

These services are reimbursed by Kela.