Kristiina Kokkonen

Specialist in Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Pain Management

Language skills:

Finnish, English


Orton, Tenholantie 10, 00280 Helsinki, Finland

Welcome to my appointment

You can book appointment via online booking or by phone

My special expertise

Musculoskeletal problems, joint and tendon problems, back problems, children's and young people's musculoskeletal problems and pain problems; rehabilitation plans, functional disorders.

Education and work history

Physiotherapist, B.Sc., 2001

Licentiate in Medicine, 2007

Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2014

I studied for the degree of Licentiate in Medicine at the University of Oulu in 2001–2007. I specialised in Rehabilitation, Paediatric Surgery and Oncology at University of Helsinkiin in 2007–2014. I joined Orton in 2014.

Special interests

I became interested in biomechanics and human physiology because of my strong background in sports. My physiotherapy education served as a basis for my specialisation. I am still interested in issues at the margins of medicine, human performance capacity, rehabilitation, movement and pain, the perception of illness and psychological issues. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is the specialty that provides the best opportunities to address these areas. I am also interested in pain management and symptom control.

Kela compensation

These services are not reimburstable by Kela.