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Ilkka Ilonen

MD, PhD, Adjunct Professor, FEBTS

Attending Cardiothoracic Surgeon
2010-2016 CT residency Univ. Helsinki
2017-2018 Advanced thoracic surgical oncology fellowship Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Hospital: Meilahti Tower Hospital, Haartmaninkatu 4, Helsinki

Jari Räsänen

MD, PhD, Associate professor

Specialist in Thoracic Surgery

Hospital: Meilahti Tower Hospital, Haartmaninkatu 4, Helsinki

Find Orton’s specialists here

In addition to Orton hospital in Ruskeasuo, Helsinki HUS Helsinki University Hospital specialists offer appointments at HUS hospitals in the Helsinki metropolitan area. This private activity takes place when there are no HUS public health care patients on the premises.

Experts with appointments

Some of our specialists can be booked by online-booking and some can only be booked by phone through Customer service. A specialist’s profile information has an online booking button when appointments can be made through the online booking.

Other specialists

Here you will also find information about those experts who do not offer reception services as such. A patient can seek a medical procedure directly based on tests already done. In these cases, an appointment time is arranged for the patient to see the doctor.