Ilkka Heiskanen

Please note! Inquiries and reservations for this specialist Orton´s operationsteam tel +358 9 4748 2704….

Hazhar Qadir

My specialty I do joint replacement surgery. My special expertise is the diagnosis of post-surgery related problems and corrective surgeries. I also perform joint replacement surgeries for HUS service voucher…

Tuomas Friipyöli

At the moment I only treat patients with a service voucher. My special expertise My specialty is joint replacement surgery. I do knee and hip replacement surgeries and their re-surgeries….

Patient’s delegate

If something, regarding the service or treatment you have received, has remained unclear, discuss the matter first with the persons who treated or served you, for example the medical doctor…

Joni Serlo

At the moment I only treat patients with a service voucher. My special expertise “I am a specialist in orthopedics and traumatology and I mainly work at the HUS artificial…

KELA compensations

The majority of Kela compensations for private healthcare service providers was removed at the beginning of 2023. As of January 1, 2024, Kela reimbursements increase to 30 euros for a…