Tarja Rantala


Physiotherapist, 1976

Physiotherapist, specialised, 1990

Manual lymph drainage therapy training

Acupuncture training

Kela compensation

These services are not reimburstable by Kela.

Ville Puisto

Education and work history

Licentiate in Medicine, 2005

Doctor of Medical Science, 2011

Specialist in Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 2012

Specialist areas: Back surgery, spinal cord stimulators, back injuries

Specialist training in orthopaedics at Helsinki University Central Hospital (HUCH). I worked as a specialist at HUCH Peijas Hospital in 2012−2013 before joining Orton.

Special interests

Back surgery, spinal cord stimulators.

Kela compensation

Receipts for these services are Kela-reimbursable, but procedures are not Kela-reimbursable.

Tove Palmgren-Soppela


30 min    140 €

Kela compensation

These services are reimbursed by Kela.

Tage Orenius

Kela compensation

These services are not reimburstable by Kela.

Lotta Markkanen



Acupuncture training

Kela compensation

These services are not reimburstable by Kela.

Petteri Koho


  • Physiotherapist, 1986
  • OMT physiotherapist, 1998
  • M.Sc. (Health Sciences), 2008
  • Expert in musculoskeletal physiotherapy
  • Physiotherapist of the Year, 2008
  • Acupuncture training
  • PhD, 2015

Kela compensation

These services are not reimburstable by Kela.

Simo Järvinen

Kela compensation

These services are reimbursed by Kela.

Sofie Henriksson

Education and work history

Physiotherapist, 2002

OMT, 2009

Acupuncture, 2014

I qualified as a physiotherapist at the Helsinki-based Swedish-language ARCADA University of Applied Sciences in 2002. After obtaining my degree, I took a particular interest in physiotherapy for musculoskeletal problems. I took a short course in manual therapy and thus became interested in orthopaedic manual therapy (OMT). Before starting my OMT studies I obtained a qualification in Animal Physiotherapy at the University of Applied Sciences in Pori. I have always been with horses and started riding at age 7. My physiotherapy studies allowed me to naturally progress into providing physiotherapy for animals.

I qualified as an OMT physiotherapist in 2009. In 2014, I studied acupuncture on a course organised by Finland’s medical acupuncture society, which provided another opportunity to gain new insights. I have actively used Western-type acupuncture after this course and found it very helpful in managing my patients’ pain.

Special interests

Over the years, I find my work more and more exciting. I enjoy my job and enjoy seeing patients’ situation change for the better, helping and solving problems. It is my calling to help both people and animals.

Currently, my work focuses on solving musculoskeletal problems in both human patients and animals. My clients include people of different ages, some of whom enjoy sports and exercise while others are physically less active. Musculoskeletal problems among riders are an area of personal interest.

Kela compensation

These services are not reimburstable by Kela.