Vivian Lindholm

Appointment prices

20 min   170,60 €
40 min   262,40 €


These services are not Kela reimbur­sable.

Joni Puolanto


20 min. 100 €

30 min. 150 €

45 min. 225 €

Kela compensation

These services are not compensated by Kela at the moment.

Markku Vornanen

Kela compensation

These services are not reimbursed by Kela.

Ilkka Heiskanen

Kela compensation

These services are not reimburstable by Kela.

Päivi Vaara

Kela compensation

These services are reimbursed by Kela.

Jyri Lepistö


eMBA, 2012
Special Compe­tence in joint replacement surgery, 2006
Doctor of Medical Science, 1996
Specialist in Ortho­paedics and Trauma­tology, 1995
Specialist in Surgery, 1993
Licen­tiate in Medicine, 1986


20 min 145 €
30 min 157 €
45 min 236 €
60 min 314 €

Kela compensation

These services are reimbursed by Kela.

Henrik Husu

Kela compensation

These services are not reimburstable by Kela.